Recommended Dada Links
Numerous web sites (perhaps hundreds of them) contain information of use or of interest to persons or organizations concerned by Dada.
These sites are extremely varied, unequal in importance or in content, and by the very nature of their being on the Web, quite volatile. Some appear or disappear from one day to the other. You will find in the following list a glimpse of the ones which seem worth the detour.
Dada in general

Dada group - Collage by Man Ray - Centre Pompidou, Paris.
Top row: Paul Chadourne, Tristan Tzara, Philippe Soupalt, Serge Charchoune
Bottom row: Man Ray, Paul Éluard, Jacques Rigaut, Mme Soupault,
Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes in 1922.
ABC's of DADA in 3 Parts
Three videos on the Zurich and German beginnngs of Dada.
André Breton
36 results (books, periodicals) for the word "Dada" in Constance Krebs's website.
Annenberg Image Library
A superb collection of images.
Art Cyclopedia
Links to the location in museums and art galleries of paintings by Picabia, Hausmann, Arp, Duchamp, Schwitters, Hoch, Man Ray, Heartfield etc. In English.
Ars Libri Ltd.
Catalogues of rare books on modern art.
Artlex on Dada
Links to paintings by Picabia, Hausmann, Duchamp, Arp, Shwitters, Taeuber-Arp, Man Ray, Ernst, Janco.
Archives Dada
Superb collection of dada photographs.
Atlas Press
Specialized in extreme and avant-garde prose literature since 1890. Publishers of English books on surrealism, they offer a book list on Dada, expressionnism, Oulipo, the college of Pataphysics...
Cabaret Voltaire - From Dada to Nietniet
Everything you'd like to know about the Cabaret Voltaire from its beginnings to today, by Olga Stefan.
Cut And Paste
Dada in Germany and a history of photomontage. Hausmann, Höch, Heartfield, Schwitters.
Dada Surrealism and their Legacies in the Israel Museum, Jerusalem
The Museum has been able to form a spectacular holding of Dada and Surrealist material, comprising paintings, ready-mades, and photographs. This repository also includes extensive library and documentary materials that make the collection an important international research resource.
National Gallery of Art: Cities, art, biographies, cities, slogans.
Archives Dada - on Tumblr
Dada and Surrealism
and a second site :
University course on world Dada : Berlin, Cologne, New York, illustrated.
Dada Situationist : Mital-U
Dada et situationist site from Switzerland.
Dada - The Anti-War Art Movement
Provides a listing of major artists, artworks and dates of the Dada and Surrealist Periods. A good art history archive.
Documents of Dada and Surrealism
Dada and Surrealist Journals in the Mary Reynolds Collection
Ryerson and Burnham Libraries, The Art Institute of Chicago. By Irene E. Hofmann.
Getty (The)
The J. Paul Getty Foundation is an international cultural institution devoted to the visual arts. Here, the special collection page.
Guggenheim Museum (Dada Movement)
Reproductions of works of art of the major dadaists.
Guggenheim Museum : Kurt Schwitters
Biography, works of art, references.
The History of Visual Communication : 08: The Avantgarde
Excellent presentation of avantgarde typography from Constructivism through Futurism and Dada (the latter illustrated by Picabia's 391, Schwitters' Merz, Hausmann and Heartfield).
International Dada Archive
Digital Dada Library
The most complete documentary source on the Dada movement : texts, lithographs, periodicals and other works of art. Your first research stop - after Dadart ;-)
Influence of Modern Art, The - Dada (PowerPoint presentation of the movement)
MoMA - The Collection - Dada Highlights
67 artworks from the Dada period, with enlargements and scholarly comments
MoMA Learning
Teaching Dada, Surrealism, Pop Art etc. Excellent resource.
Modern Art: Dada, De Stijl, Matisse, Picasso
A beautiful and informative slideshow in colour illustrating Dada, Grosz, Arp, Hausmann, Duchamp etc.
National Gallery of Art - Washington DC
Cities, biographies, art, techniques, slogans of Dada
New York Avant-Garde, 1913-1929, The
New York Dada and the Armory Show. Pictures and bibliography.
Smithsonian Magazine
Good online article on Dada with illustrations..
Weimar: Art and Modernity: Dada
Illustrated biographies on Kurt Schwitters, Raoul Hausmann, Hannah Höch, Erwin Blumenfeld, Johannes Baader and the First International Dada Fair (Berlin, 1920).
Zang Tumb Tuumb! A study resource on Dada etc.
Aragon, Louis
Louis Aragon Online
Bilingual biographical and bibliographical site on Aragon, with links to other sites.
Arp, Jean
Fondation Jean Arp
With Hugo Ball, Richard Huelsenbeck, Tristan Tzara, Marcel Janco, Hans Richter, Arp participated in the beginning of the Cabaret Voltaire where the Dada movement began in
1916. Lectures, recitals, spontaneous music and later simultaneous poems exalted non-sense.
Ball, Hugo
Karawane - sound poem on YouTube
Gadji Beri Bimba - sound poem on YouTube
Hugo Ball / Emmy Hennings - Inventar des Doppelnachlasses
This collection from the archives of the Swiss National Library now available online: the dual estate of Emmy Hennings and Hugo Ball (in German).
Cravan, Arthur
Arthur Cravan
A biography, his travels, painting, boxing, Mina Loy, Maintenant etc.
The Day Boxing's Jack Johnson Put Dada Surrealism on Dreamstreet
On April 23, 1916, Jack Johnson, the former Heavyweight boxing champion of the world in exile in Europe after fleeing conviction for violating the White-Slave Traffic Act (aka the Mann Act), went mano a mano with modern art.
His nominal opponent was Arthur Cravan née Fabian Lloyd, an Englishman born and educated in Switzerland, who claimed to be the nephew of Oscar Wilde, a professional boxer, singer, art critic, poet - you name it. Living in Paris, he was a performance artist before the genre existed, the subject and theme of his art being himself. Creating a public spectacle was the reason he got out of bed each morning, and once on his feet was a walking happening.
[This blog contains some exceptional photos and an amusing resumé of Cravan's adventures.]
Marcel Duchamp in the Yahoo! Directory
15 site listings by popularity (not all are trustworthy, however)
Marcel Duchamp on Tumblr
Many interesting photographs, but the information is not always pertinent.
Duchampian News & Views
Duchampian Images
Duchampian Multimedia
Who is Marcel Duchamp
Duchamp Artworks
Duchamp Books
Duchamp Videos
Duchamp Links
An excellent website for research on Duchamp.
Making Sense of Marcel Duchamp
An in-depth look at Marcel's life and work.
Marcel Duchamp's turning point
One hundred years ago in Paris, he retrieved his painting from an exhibition rather than rename 'Nude Descending a Staircase.' Art has never been the same.
Höch, Hannah
Venetian Red
Hannah Höch, the "Quiet Girl" with the Big Voice (Part I)
This is the first of a two-part series on Hannah Höch, in which Venetian Red examines her extraordinary career, as well as her impact on the photomontage medium and impact on subsequent generations of artists.
Hannah Höch, the "Quiet Girl" with the Big Voice (Part II)
The second installment.
Hannah Hoch by jenelle esparza
Hannah Höch
Video on YouTube followed by numerous other Dada links.
Janco, Marcel
Ein Hod - The artists' colony. Janco's career and the Janco-Dada Museum.
Man Ray
Man Ray on Jungle Key
An almost complete list of links to websites about Man Ray.
143 magnificent photos by Man Ray of the Dada and Surrealism years.
Man Ray
In Artcyclopedia : Museums and Art Galleries / Image Galleries / Other Sites / Articles
Man Ray : photothèque numérique
Photos and a biography of Man Ray.
Man Ray Trust
Biography, photos, exhibitions.
Man Ray
In Encyclopedia of Irish and World Art
Man Ray pushed the boundaries of photography. His experimental prints are now some of his most coveted.
Article by Deidre S. Greben in ARTINFO
Man Ray on Tumblr
Impressive collection of photographs.
Man Ray: The Painter
Acclaimed primarily as a photographer he produced works in a variety of media and considered himself a painter above all else. Here is an example of his diverse body of paintings.
Picabia, Francis
See also Francis Picabia on Dadart.
The Artworks of Francis Picabia
on WahooArt + biography (a very complete website)
Francis Picabia's Style Problem
What does style mean to an artist's work? "Funny Guy," an exhibition of work by artist Francis Picabia at Tibor de Nagy Gallery, is fertile ground for anyone looking for answers to this question. A very perceptive article by Harry Swartz-Turfle + a video on .
Experimental art inspired by Picabia's Dada periodical 391. Plus articles on Picabia, Duchamp, Ball and others.
Francis Picabia
Biography and bibliography in German.
Francis Picabia.
Francis Picabia - diaporama of paintings and photos by Stefano Scandella.
Rigaut, Jacques
Satie, Erik
Erik Satie, compositeur de musique
Articles, compositions, music, manuscripts, photographs in English.
Schad, Christian
Short biography, slideshow of Schad's portraits (mostly women, not dada period)
with a terrific jazz musical background. From Artodyssey.
Schwitters, Kurt
Kurt Schwitters Page - from The Illawarra Grammar School: books, websites, videos
Kurt Schwitters & Merz - on "Design is History"
The Art in Poetry & the Poetry in Art, Part 2: Kurt Schwitters
Jerome Rothenberg in Poems and Poetics: Getty Museum Panel, April 25, 2002
"In that extension of Dada experimentation that he personalized with the coined word "Merz" -- his attempt "to efface the boundaries between the arts" resembles and predicts the work of such later artists as Cage, Oldenburg and Kaprow, indeed of a significant portion of the ”postmodern" generation."
Tzara, Tristan
Tristan Tzarathustra
Bilingual blog by the Canadian Clifford Duffy which contains a geat deal of previously unpublished items on and about Tzara.
Tristan Tzara et le livre: ses éditeurs et ses illustrateurs
Article based on Hélène Lévy-Bruhl's thesis. A most useful document.
Some Memoirs of Dadaism
by Tzara. From aVanity Fair, July, 1922 (
Forgotten Jewish Dada-ists Get Their Due
Article by Bill Holdsworth with photo of "Polite Romanian Jewish Artists" Tristan Tzara, M. H. Maxy, Ion Vinea, Henri Gad and Jacques Costin, who were visiting Bucharest in 1922.
Van Doesburg, Théo

Detail from Van Doesburg's Small Dada Soirée, a poster for a 1923 dada tour of the Netherlands.
Theo van Doesburg: The Splintered Self
Dutch artist Theo van Doesburg experimented with poetry, design, architecture and even advertising. Adrian Searle in The Guardian applauds a new show at the Tate that captures his many lives.