The Bearded Heart Evening
The Bearded Heart (Le Coeur à barbe)
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The first and only issue of a "transparent newspaper" published by Tristan Tzara in April, 1922 in reply to André Breton's attacks on him in the March 2nd issue of Comoedia. It contains texts by Éluard, Ribemont-Dessaignes, Satie, Fraenkel, Huidobro, Péret, Soupault, Duchamp, etc. The affair came to an end on the "Bearded Heart Evening" at the Michel Theatre on July 6, 1923. A counterattack launched by Tzara following Picabia's insulting "La Pomme de pins" of the previous month; one more missile hurled during the spring of 1922, which Breton was later to comment witnessed the 'obsequies of Dada.' The cover design is one of the best-known and most appealing graphic inventions of Paris Dada.
22x14 cm., 8 p. Black printing on pale pink stock.
Le Coeur à barbe. Edited by Tristan Tzara. Paris, 1922. 1st Number
Reproduction of the entire issue.

Pierre de Massot by Berenice Abbot (1927).
This evening was organized by Tzara but was booed by the surrealists André Breton, Robert Desnos, Paul Éluard and Benjamin Péret. Breton broke Pierre de Massot's arm with his cane and Tzara called the police. This Bearded Heart evening, as it came to be called, was to mark the final break between the dadaists and the surrealists.
Pierre de Massot, born on April 10, 1900, was a French writer involved with both dada and surrealism. He died destitute in Paris on January 3rd, 1969 at the age of 68.