The Dada movementMarcel Duchamp
History of Dada, bibliography of dadaismUnavoidable : The Duchamp Research Portal Dada exhibitions - current and future. Dada events - lectures, radio broadcasts, TV programs etc. Five Great Dadaists:Marcel Duchamp 1887-1968Marcel Duchamp. Moulin à caféFrancis Picabia 1879-1953Francis Picabia. M'amenez'yMan Ray 1890-1976Man Ray. The Enigma of Isidore Ducasse 1920Tristan Tzara 1896-1963Tristan Tzara. La Première aventure céleste de Mr AntipyrineKurt Schwitters 1887-1948Kurt Schwitters. CollageBooks on Dada - recent (published in the last 3 years). Sound, Music & Movies - films, recordings & DVD's. by Hugo Ball and Tristan Tzara (in Manifestos Archive) DadartAnne Sanouillet -- Webmistress